What are the best color correction settings for the Polaroid Snap Touch printer?

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What are the best color correction settings for the Polaroid Snap Touch printer?

Postby Tincho » Sat 26 January 2019 / 17:16 pm

Hi everyone

We all know that Zink prints are of underwhelming quality - low resolution and contrast, dull colors, etc. ZINK technology is not new at this pint so we could expect that it could impove over the years, but it hasn't.

I have a Polaroid Snap Touch since one year now, and I've taken two shots today with different brightness levels, and one print came out too bright while the other was too dark compared to the original image. I haven't fiddled with the RGB/CMYK levels yet. I have tried this before and never had luck getting a decent print. It's a shame because I love the camera.

Can you share the best settings for the color correction in order to achieve better prints?

Do you think that ZINK technology has failed or do you still believe it will improve in the future?

Thank you.
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Postby RLG » Sat 26 January 2019 / 21:02 pm

Hi Tincho, I have a some ZINK devices. ZINK technology is used by different companies (HP, Polaroid, Kodak, LG, ...) and is from my point of view not the best available. The difference between a picture printed on my Instax Share SP-1 and the Polaroid Zip is noticible in terms of color rendering. It improved with the latest printer App and firmware for the Zip but is still not upto the level of Instax Share. Concerning the Polaroid (ZINK) cameras, I find the Z340 giving the very best result followed by the Z2300. I have the same problems like you with the Snap Touch. I did not yet made much prints with the Snap Touch. I found setting the brightness level setting 1 or sometimes 2 mark(s) brighter giving most of time the best result. Have not yet made adjustments to the RGB levels. The newest firmware for the Snap Touch was released in 2018 (meetpolaroid.com).
On YouTube there is a review on the channel from Techmoan. He also reported these printing problems. That was with the original firmware.


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Postby RLG » Sun 27 January 2019 / 20:07 pm

Published today on DPReview: https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/buying ... -the-money . It's about pocket printers but the difference between ZINK and Instax is clear. Hope this helps.


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